3 Communication Hacks for Better Connection in your Personal Relationships

Would any of you in relationship (either friends or romantic) would benefit from better communication?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

Communication is the oxygen to our relationships.  Poor Communication causes up to 68% of relational breakdown.  That is a scary statistic and can so easily be remedied.  Understand the keys to better communication and you can ensure that your relationship will be more connected, resilient and happier.  Regardless of what is happening in your world you can communicate effectively stay strong and stay connected.  How great does that sound?

However, your relationship will only benefit from you both learning to understand themselves and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

Now you might say you are not a leader however, anyone who wants to influence others positively is certainly a leader.

Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.  Firstly, the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

Many relationships are based on assumption rather than asking.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from your friend or partner.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.  Also, if you are a good listener people automatically think you are an awesome communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, your feelings or to direct someone.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to becoming an exceptional communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more Confident Communicator and taking your communication and your relationship to the next level.   If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested?  you can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in, one conversation at a time.

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