Are you struggling with a Perfectionist?

Are you a perfectionist, or do you know one? In terms of the Communication Styles, the ‘Perfectionist’ style is the one who is most likely to struggle with this trait. If you live with, work with or love a perfectionist, you may be relating already.  This is a trait that I have struggled with for many years so I feel very comfortable sharing here.


Let me refresh your memory, the Perfectionist Communicator is all about procedures, processes and perfection.  They love detail and also want to be right.  These Communicators will correct grammar, spelling mistakes or your facts in conversation.


This style loves compliance. By compliance we mean working to a system or order, not compliant.  Particularly to your own system or order however this style will work to someone else’s system or process if they agree with it, or if they see it as correct.


This communication style is all about getting things right, EXACTLY Right.  If you know someone with this style they are more reserved and task focused.  They are great at details, probably love stationary (known from personal experience) and are highly organised in many ways.


What can make a Perfectionist Communicator Difficult?  Their need for perfection is a real struggle, why?  Because outside of very isolated incidences perfection just does not exist, especially if you are Human…..  So you will never reach the expectations of perfection.  How relaxing.  This Communicator can also get caught up in detail which can lead to procrastination as things cannot be finished until it is perfect.  Which it will never be…..


These guys are fearful of their work being criticised, how could they not be when perfection is their benchmark?  However, beware of criticising their work as they put a lot of effort into it being right.  It hurts them intensely if they are corrected, especially if it is not done gently.


If you are working with someone with this style they will love details, if you challenge their facts you will need to provide statistical backup because they do know their stuff.  I know one Perfectionist Communicator who reads the Australian Taxation website for fun (I have a headache just thinking about that).  They prefer a quiet and consistent work environment where any changes are explained, where they can be some type of technical or information expert.


So perfectionism is a big deal to these guys. REALLY. I know this because this is my second strongest trait and in testing I scored 87%.  This has long been held as a negative trait however; it can depend on your definition. In the negative it can stifle progress because you are expecting something unrealistic.  It can cause paralysis and anxiety beyond description.  It can mess with expectations both in there workplace and at home.


So how can we view this positively?  


The Greek definition is “a continual journey toward maturity.”   Now this is not how I have used it, or how I would described myself when I am perplexed because something won’t look or fit the way I want it too.   However, I would be a better human if this were my definition.


So to any one else out there who is brave enough to say that you have struggled with perfectionism either in yourself or expecting it form other lets change how we see it.  We can all benefit from this definition of a continual journey toward maturity – I say bring it on!


So if you are struggling for outcomes with one of these communicators here are some tips;


To help them deal with perfection the key is gentle support, they do not respond to harsh, blunt or pushy communication.  Hey work really well with big picture thinkers so that their detailed mind can compensate well with the big vision.  Support to keep their expectations realistic is always helpful as well as encouragement and praise for their strengths as they may get stuck on what is not working.


The most important thing for these guys is to be supported, for their expertise to be noted and acknowledged to have a diplomatic and reserved response.  They are not touchy feely like the Playful and Patient Communicator.  So keep it more business like.


Do not keep avoiding an issue if you have one; that is not the answer.  The first step may be to understand yourself a little more and to do that you can uncover your Communication strengths, style and struggles with our online course.  It costs as much a takeaway pizza, so it is well worth it!  You can find out more  here.


Until next time, Connect, Care and be a Conscious Communicator.

Let’s change our world for the better, one conversation at a time.

Struggling with a “my way or the highway” kinda person?

Have you ever had to work with a strong willed, highly opinionated Powerful Communicator? Someone who is so overpowering they just push everyone else aside?  If you have ever worked with this style you would know it!  They don’t mean to be like they are – to them it is normal.

Based on my Communication DNA model these are what I call the Powerful Communicators. What is it that makes a Powerful Communicator Difficult?

It is their strength, drive, frank communication style, confrontational presence that can make them tricky for those different to them.  Additionally, when two of this style come together there can also be an almighty power struggle as they both fight for control.


Powerful Communicators usually end up in positions of leadership, management and decision-making. Why? Because they love control!  They are also natural decision makers and get frustrated when someone struggles or takes time with this.  This does not necessarily make them great at leadership however. It takes a very self-aware person to be an awesome leader.  I believe that any DNA style can make a great leader if they understand themselves and are willing to bring out the best in others.

If you are struggling with someone who loves control, loves to take over and have the final word they are likely ‘The Powerful’ style who loves problems and challenges, craves results, is very black and white and can come across as confrontational and even aggressive. Such people can be highly opinionated to the point where the only opinion that can exist in conversation with them is theirs!!


Powerful Communicators are very good at saying “No.” What this means for everyone else is that unless you stand up to them you will get mown down.  It can be very much like “ It’s their way or the highway.”

They know what they want and they go for it. They are driven by results and often mow people over to get to the result.  Such a strong Communicator has absolutely no issue with boundaries and looking after their own interests. Most of them don’t even realise how much they can come across as blunt or like a bully at times. They honestly think every one else finds it just as easy to say “No,” when needed.

However, here is where it gets interesting, because they are such strong Communicators and can be so confrontational mostly people don’t actually say “No” to them! So they get this false sense of reality; thinking there are no issues. They go on their merry way, leaving this wake of people with bruises.

Now I spend much of my training and coaching time helping people become assertive so they can effectively deal with a Strong willed, say it like it is, “Powerful Communicator.” You may be having a stroke right now at the thought of dealing with someone so assertive and direct.

The key is to communicate with them in their way, be direct! The amazing thing is, it works! Powerful and Strong Communicators need to be communicated with in a strong and direct way. They get it and even more importantly they respect it. The trouble comes when people avoid them and are not direct with them.

Best of all they don’t see it as confrontation, I promise. Just have a go, remember don’t be rude, stick to the facts, use I messages, be assertive and you will get through to that Powerful Communicator.

So if you are struggling for airtime with one of these communicators the key is to get direct, use fewer words, stand your ground by being assertive and ensure you are heard.  If this is scary to you, reach out because there is support.

Do not keep avoiding the problem; that is not the answer.  The first step may be to understand yourself a little more and to do that you can uncover your Communication strengths, style and struggles with our online course.  It costs as much a takeaway pizza, so it is well worth it!  You can find out more here.


Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Your options when it comes to dealing with difficult people

Your options when it comes to dealing with difficult people are many.  You can avoid, procrastinate, blame, whine, cry, shake, gossip…. ( I am sure there is many more) or you can take a deep breath and do what needs to be done.

Kenny Rogers had it right.

“Know when to hold them, know when to fold them.  Know when to walk away and know when to run”.  If you are saying “Kenny who” I am showing my age.  I will be positive and say that this implies wisdom on my behalf!

Difficult people are all around us.  You cannot avoid them!  In fact, there is someone somewhere in the world that finds you difficult.  Weird huh?

The key to dealing with difficult people is be aware of how it affects you, to be aware of your own responses, to maintain emotional control and to ensure that you are working for the best outcome.  This is not about control or manipulation but about choice.  We all choose our behavior and also our responses.

In dealing with difficult people, there are times when the best thing to do is let it go (for example, if the person is unlikely to listen or change).  There are also times when it is best to speak up confidently and assertively (for example if someone at work is disrespecting you).  There are also times when you need to look after yourself because the person is unlikely to change (the overly needy friend who always takes and never gives).

I was dealing with a very aggressive person recently.  This person was known to Police and was involved in drugs.  This person did not want my assistance and made it very clear.  There were some legal reasons that I was asked to be involved to provide this person with their right to support.

Despite my best intentions this fellow would verbally threaten, yell abuse and generally disrespect me each time we met.  It was clear that after only a few encounters this person was not going to change and that my time and energy was best served by working with someone who did want my support.  This is what I mean when I say “pick your battles, look after yourself and realise that each of us are self responsible.”

So I made the decision to tell him that I would no longer be working with him.  I also told the referring party that I would no longer be seeing this gentleman as he was not invested in the process and it was a waste of everyone’s time and energy.

Sometimes you MUST stand up for yourself.

This can be a hard idea to swallow if you feel over responsible, if you have ever enabled someone in your life.  The bottom line is that each of us are accountable for our own outcomes.

Your difficult person may be telling you that if you don’t help them they won’t cope.  The truth is, the best gift you can give them is by believing in them, empowering them and allowing them to do things independently.

If you are struggling then we are here to help.  Dealing with a difficult person can be lonely, it can provoke feelings of anxiety and fear, but this is not how it has to stay.  You don’t need to struggle any more, you are not alone, some simple steps can make all the difference.  I’ve been where you are and I’m here to support you in making the changes you need to create the life and the relationships you have always wanted.

If you would like to stay connected why not join us on Facebook.  Here we share more resources, stories and encouragement to help you become the Communicator you would like to be.

We also have an online course that is specifically designed for this reason.   This course is designed to help you understand the needs of others and how to best deal with people in difficult situations and circumstances. Most often difficult people are just different from you. Learn what works and what doesn’t work for each of the different Communication DNA styles. Want to know more?

Until next time, care, connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s improve the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Dealing with Difficult People without anxiety and fear

How can you Deal with Difficult People without anxiety and fear?  It is all about better understanding. 

Have you ever had that awful sinking feeling whenever you’ve had to deal with a difficult person?  Have you ever not wanted to go to work or avoided social occasions because a particular person was there?  Difficult people and difficult conversations are a part of life; you cannot avoid them.  What will help you is a set of skills that will reveal a new way to approach this very common problem.

Difficult people are usually difficult because they are different to us in some way.  What this means is that we have less in common and we do not understand them.  For example you may be a “get into it and have a go” kind of person and the person you are struggling with is holding back and not getting involved.  The more you encourage or push the more they withdraw.

Perhaps you are a quiet listener and you are dealing with someone who seems to hog the limelight and the conversation.   Maybe you are kind and gentle and are forced to deal with someone who is so blunt and pushy you cannot stand it.

Did you know that we are all different in how we see the world and how we come across?  Despite the differences there are some patterns to how we behave and interact with others.

I’ve been working with people and teams for over 15 years now and have come to specialize in the very common world of miscommunication.  I only work with people who want to improve communication or performance through better connections and understanding.

Over the years it has become very plain to me that all of us struggle from time to time with people.  Either they confuse us, frustrate us and even scare us because they do things differently.  When this happens the majority of people get upset, stressed and when this happens we can no longer communicate effectively.

To help you cope with this very common problem, it is essential to first begin to understand yourself and what makes you tick.  I call this your Communication DNA.    You can read more about that here

The best advice I can give in order to begin building this communication muscle for dealing with difficult people is;

Learn to understand yourself – then and only then will it become clear what makes you tick and what you struggle with, you will definitely find patterns ( eg, perhaps for you it’s the talker, or the bossy person, or the clean freak or the avoider, we all have someone)

Learn how to manage your emotions – this is a biggie and I am currently putting an online course together on this so that you can learn this is that is something you want Master.  Once our emotions get away fromus we all become awful communicators.  Learning how to stay calm and in control base don your needs is critical.

Begin to understand others – again a key skill.  Seriously once you realise that all of us behave they way we do because of who we are you will stop taking things personally.  When you do not take things personally it becomes so much EASIER.  Next time you deal with a difficult person you will find you can now handle it more effectively – “ it’s not me it is just how they do things, no what can I do to help this conversation…”

Now I am a natural problem solver, so if your are really struggling with someone then why not download our free handbook on How to Deal with Difficult people. If you haven’t already you can access it here

We also have an online course that is specifically designed for this reason.   This course is designed to help you understand the needs of others and how to best deal with people in difficult situations and circumstances. Most often difficult people are just different from you. Learn what works and what doesn’t work for each of the different Communication DNA styles.

If you want to know;

  • §  What makes certain styles difficult,
  • §  How to best deal with difficult people,
  • §  Ways to communicate so that you can best get your message across,
  • §  Learn how to best communicate with different communication styles,
  • §  Learn helpful ways to manage stress and emotions

Then this course is for you. Want to know more?

You don’t need to struggle any more, you are not alone, some simple steps can make all the difference.  I’ve been where you are and I’m here to support you in making the changes you need to create the life and the relationships you have always wanted.

Until next time, care, connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s improve the world we live in one conversation at a time.


Feeling stressed in Your Business?

As a Business owner I am sure you can relate to the idea of Stress.  Stress can come from many places, working long hours, poor cash flow, staff issues, too much work, feeling like you are doing everything yourself, tension in your personal life, feeling like there is not enough of you to go around.

Unfortunately, stress is one of those things that you simply cannot afford to ignore.  Stress simply does not go away through ignoring it; in fact it grows!

We have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

So you have a business and there are issues, perhaps management is not perceived as approachable, perhaps there is relational tension as different staff clash with each other, perhaps staff don’t feel valued or understood.

Gallup found that 95% of staff will leave a job due to problems with either their boss or co workers.  This is that relational stuff they feel just can’t be solved.

The sad thing is that many times they either haven’t tried, because they believe it won’t change anything, or they don’t have the skills to have these hard conversations.  We have all been there, it just feels too hard and we believe that the grass is greener on the other side.

Now it may be, but what happens when you come up against the same issues in a new workplace?  Isn’t it better to have the skills to deal with it when it happens again? It is not that difficult, I promise.

So, Poor communication costs the Business owner in many ways;

  • Low productivity
  • Poor engagement
  • Bad Customer service
  • Low Morale
  • Wasted time
  • Stress
  • A Leadership gap
  • Poor retention
  • The costs of new hire

I am surprised that the cost to business is not higher than 32%.  When you look at the list above it may surprise you too.  However, every business is different and will face a combination of the issues listed above.

Over coming posts we will tease out these issues and go deeper into how they may be affecting your business and what you can do about it.

The real cost of poor communication is hard to measure as many businesses don’t have measures in place to capture this.  From my perspective the most important thing is to understand the foundation cause of the issue.  For example if it is productivity, is it because staff don’t feel motivated, are not supported, are confused, are working without the resources they need, do not know what to do.  There are many layers and it is critical to understand what is going on so you can address it and fix the problem.

You go into business to kick goals, have some freedom, create a legacy, do what you love and make a difference so let’s make it happen!

We are here to resource you so that you can create the business of your dreams, kick those goals, create a highly productive team and future-proof your business.

If you have questions you can get in contact via our website or our Facebook page.   Don’t keep struggling alone, there are answers, there is support.  You can create a team that is productive and engaged and create a business that is profitable.  If you would like support to grow your business with a Communication Strategy unique to your needs you can get in touch or check out our online courses.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s grow your business one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks to Take your Communication to the Next Level

Next level communication is all about knowing where you are at and improving an aspect of your communication.  You may be a great listener, and need to speak up.  Perhaps you are great at telling people what you need but need to be better at asking and bringing people alongside you.

All of us can benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

Poor Communication can costs business big time, up to 32% of profit.  It can ruin relationships. Understand the keys to better communication and you can unlock a hidden profit centre in your business.

Learning to understand yourself and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.  It starts with understanidng your needs as a Communicator, or your Communication DNA

So, how can you understand your Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.   If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.


In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

To become a Next Level Communicator you can master each of these skills.  Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.

Firstly the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

To be a Next Level Communicator you need to stop assuming and simply ask.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  This is such a crucial Next Level communication skill.

To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from the person you are communicating with.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  The best Communicators around the world are excellent listeners.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, or direct people.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

Many people fear telling as it is seen as confrontational.  The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.

Next Level Communication requires you to be able to Tell when necessary.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to taking your Communication to the next level.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication to the next level.


If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

If you are part of a team that struggles with these skills then reach out and see how we can tailor a solution for your unique situation.


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks for Better Connection in your Personal Relationships

Would any of you in relationship (either friends or romantic) benefit from better communication?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood by your partner?  Frustrating isn’t it?

Communication is the oxygen to our relationships.  Poor Communication causes up to 68% of relational breakdown.  That is a scary statistic and can so easily be remedied.  Understand the keys to better communication and you can ensure that your relationship will be more connected, resilient and happier.  Regardless of what is happening in your world you can communicate effectively stay strong and stay connected.  How great does that sound?

However, your relationship will only benefit from you both learning to understand themselves and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

So, how can you understand you Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

Now you might say you are not a leader however, anyone who wants to influence others positively is certainly a leader.

Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.  Firstly, the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

Many relationships are based on assumption rather than asking.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from your friend or partner.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.  Also, if you are a good listener people automatically think you are an awesome communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, your feelings or to direct someone.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to becoming an exceptional communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication and your relationship to the next level.

If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks – The Checklist

All of us would benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

However, learn to understand yourself and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication world!  here is your checklist to Better Communication!  It all starts with understanding self, your Communication DNA.

So, how can you understand your Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.


In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

Here is your checklist to mastering these 3 communication hacks that will ensure you become a Master at Communication.

o Develop the ability to Ask. 

To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.

o Learn the skill of Listening

To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from the person you are communicating with.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.

o Become great at Telling. 

To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, or direct people.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication to the next level.


If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

How To Disagree With Respect

All of us who hang out in workplaces would benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

How about respect?  Respect s all about having and showing regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.  Having different needs as a Communicator can by default mean you come across as being disrespectful.

With Poor Communication costing business big time, up to 32% of profit.  That is a lot of money down the drain.  Understand the keys to better communication, knowing how to respect others and you can unlock a hidden profit centre in your business.

Each person in your workplace has a different Communication DNA, or different needs as a Communicator.

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.


Just to make it interesting, respect means different things to each Communication DNA style for example;

The Powerful Communicator is driven like to take control, they are seen as a driver and is motivated by results.  Respect for them means listening while they talk and not interrupting them.  They love to have input and a challenge.

 The Playful Communicator tells stories is distracted and gets easily bored. They are story tellers, use many words to explain a quick point, and are seen as a talker. They need to be liked.  Respect for these guys means listening and laughing at their stories.  They love space to be creative and energetic.

 The Patient Communicator is quiet, agrees even if they don’t agree, and will not get involved in any perceived conflict, they are seen as a observer.  They crave harmony.  To show respect it is about listening, not pushing them and giving them time.

 The Perfectionist Communicator is into details, can be outrageously organised loves to do lists and is a neat person.  They are seen as an analyser and need to be Right.  Respect is about not criticising their work, if there is a problem telling them privately and asking them for their opinion and ideas on planning and organising.

However, your workplace your business, will only benefit from your staff and team members learning to understand themselves and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.

Adding to this how to show each other respect and you will see the team unite like never before.  Disrespect often occurs unintentionally.

For example, a workplace I trained to improve communication had to sales people, one a Powerful man the other Playful.  There was quite a bit of tension between the two and soon it became obvious to me why.

 What was happening was that the Powerful guy would speak and his co-worker the Playful one would get excited and jump in with his ideas.  Inadvertently the Playful Communicator was disrespecting his Powerful Colleague.

When it was made clear that the intention of the Playful guy was to help and that he was excited and wanted to contribute not disrespect then things began to shift in a positive direction.  The key was understanding intentions.  When you can get into someone else’s shoes, you can see the world briefly through their lens.

This is a very powerful way to de personalise any tension and get to the cause of the issue which is usually misunderstanding.  If you would like some help to shift some tense or negative relationships in amore helpful direction then why not consider having some coaching to uncover your Communication DNA, how this shows up for you, what your strengths are and how to adapt to the needs of others.

Are the people you work with motivated by Results? Recognition? Relationship or being Right?  For more information check out the article on Communication DNA

If you would like some help with this process then get in touch.  You and your relationships are worth it, end the confusion now, you will not regret it.

We have coaching programs that can teach you all you need to know about your Communication DNA and how to take your Communication to the next level.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Help! How Do I Recognise Someone Else’s Communication DNA?

So by now you may know your Communication DNA but what about those people in your world that are important to you, or that you need to deal with?  You are ready for the next crucial step, being able to recognise someone else’s Communication DNA.

If you have you ever experienced poor communication, ever felt misunderstood, ever tried to speak to someone and it just feels too hard, you are in the right place.

Communication is a skill that is essential to all of your relationships.  It is a skill we all take for granted yet, many of us do not know how to use our skills as a Communicator to make the most out of our relationships.

One of the foundation problems is that most people do not know their needs as a Communicator, if you don’t know what you need how on earth can you ask for it?

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

The first step is learning your own DNA.

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.

The next step may be that you need to be able to understand someone else…… So, How can you understand some one else’s Communication DNA?

You can do this by asking yourself these questions;

Is this person outgoing or reserved?

An outgoing person appears confident, is louder, speaks faster and is comfortable around people.

A reserved person is quieter, is not so quick to speak, speaks slower, and may appear less confident, may prefer less people.

Next you need to find ask, are they people focused or task focused?

People focused are always talking or listening, are genuinely interested in people and relationships and appear friendly.

Task focused may seem colder, more aloof, more interested in business or getting a list of tasks done.

For example, I am outgoing and task focused. My husband is outgoing and people focused.  When we go to the supermarket together, I am focused, fast and looking to grab the items on my list and get out to of the supermarket asap, I have things to do.

My husband is looking around, smiling, chatting making jokes, looking for old friends and new friends.  He is smiling, talking to strangers and having a great time.  We are very different.

Once you know where someone is at based on these markers you can begin to see what their Communication DNA may be.

This is a great start.  Then you become great at the art of asking questions and listening to see what makes this person tick.  An important note, this should be a framework to understand someone better.  You should not use this to try and Tell someone what their DNA may be, it is for them to work out.  However, this can make it easier to understand what makes someone else tick.

Are they motivated by Results? Recognition? Relationship or being Right?  For more information check out the article on Communication DNA

If you would like some help with this process then get in touch.  You and your relationships are worth it, end the confusion now, you will not regret it.

We have coaching programs that can teach you all you need to know about your Communication DNA and how to take your Communication to the next level.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.