Stop wasting money!! 5 tips on better workplace communication

Workplaces are complex!  They are filled with Humans, now can they not be?

We are at work for one things and one thing only – to be productive.  Poor communication causes really low productivity.  Why? Think back to a time you have struggled in a workplace filled with really poor communication.  You would have struggled through long boring meetings, had many pointless conversations.  Struggled to find answers, not had relevant or helpful feedback from leadership and dealt with tension between colleagues.

All of this results in really poor productivity.  The worse it gets, the more the frustration grows and the less and less you produce.  Poor communication can cost up to 32% in profit.  So for a business turning over $500,000, that’s a significant $160,000!  Down the drain, but it does not have to be this way.

Here are my tops tips on better workplace communication

# 1: Knowing your intention before you communicate

Intention means purpose, know what you want before you open your mouth. Is it to encourage? To give constructive feedback, to apologise?  What is your intention?

 # 2: Look for common ground within teams and workplace relationships

People feel more connected when there is common ground, in this way we are all the same.  If you are not sure what you have in common ask questions and then let them answer.  Be an awesome listener and before you know it you will be building trust and community

# 3: Stop misinterpretation in its tracks

Creating a workplace culture where team members seek to both deliver instructions clearly and unambiguously, and where others feel free to ask questions to clarify, means communication can be corrected before the wrong instructions are carried out.

This also means that misinterpretations can be dealt with easily and early before they grow, cause tension and then conflict.

 # 4: Understand your Communication DNA

Each of us has different styles of communication, this is what I call your Communication DNA.  To learn more about this click here

 In order understand others you must first understand yourself, what makes you tick, why you do what you do.

# 5: Not knowing your own communication style and strength

Each of us has our own unique style and strength as a Communicator.  You may be direct, a natural decision maker, or perhaps you are charming and influencing, perhaps you are a natural listener or maybe you love details and understanding why?

Understanding yourself means you will be really clear on what makes you tick, then you are able to understand what makes other tick.

From here it is possible to create a communication centered workplace culture that will have productivity soaring and engagement at it maximum.  If you would like to know how to create this type of culture then get in touch send us an email here.  Don’t put it off, you deserve to experience better communication.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Top 5 next level communication skills – The Checklist

So you would consider your self a competent and confident communicator?  You know your communication DNA, and can recognize the preferences of someone else.  You can then adapt to meet their needs in conversation.

That’s great, I sincerely applaud you, and this is no mean feat.  Well done!  I am sure everyone in your world appreciates your wonderful skills.

But wait there’s more; unfortunately in life and in communication we never arrive.  There is always more to understand, learn and grow into.

My top 5 next level communication skills are;

  • Communicating under stress

Stress actually causes most people to become really poor communicators.  The way through this is to know yourself and your stress signs so you can work through them effectively.  Then you need to be able to work through someone else’s stress signs

  • Communicating during conflict

You may be confident to communicate through conflict but what about the person or team you are working with?  What if they are avoiding the conflict or are fearful, what do you do then?

  • Giving encouragement

It is critical that you understand the needs of the person you are providing encouragement to.  If you don’t you may actually do more damage.  For example most people give encouragement in the way they prefer – ie you love to be noticed, to be recognized, all the bells and whistles.  What if the person you are giving encouragement to is a private person who prefers a quiet one on one?   You may just have mortified them.

  • Rebuilding trust

If trust has been broken it can be tricky to get back.  It is also something that cannot be forced but must be invited.  The best thing you can do is create a healthy environment where you may be invited to build trust again in that relationship

  • Communicating in leadership

Communication is an essential skill in leadership.  It is necessary to understand your own Communication style and then how to bring out the best in others, how to inspire, to motivate, encourage, teach, based on the individual needs of those you are leading.

If you would like to develop any of these next level communication skills, reach out to see if we can be of assistance.  For support to learn more about your next level skills and how to get the most out of your communication get in touch.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Your Most Significant Conversation Part 4

chatWhat is your most significant conversation? I believe it is the unrelenting chatter in your head.  This is a unrelenting and misunderstood significant conversation may don’t even know about. Last time you were introduced to your chatter box.  This is the unrelenting chatter that is with you 24/7.  The voice in your head.  If you haven’t read this then check it out here.  We then delved into fear and how this fuels the chatter, you can check that out here.

Then we talked about understanding your chatter.  What are your fears?  What holds you back?  You can check that out here.

Fear fuels the chatter if you let it go unchecked.

But the amazing fact is;

“Whatever you tell yourself, you’re right!”

So whether you are telling yourself you are an awesome public speaker, or you are telling yourself you suck, you’re right!

This is where you need to challenge the chatter.  Catch yourself mid chatter and define the nature of the chatter.  Is it helping me or hindering me?  A helpful chatter sounds like, “You know you can do this, just keep going, you’ve got this”.

Unhelpful chatter sounds like, “Who do you think you are?  This will never work, of course you are going to stuff this up!”  Which chatter is more inspiring?

Once you have CAUGHT yourself – C

Determined is it HELPFUL or HINDERING you – H

You can take ACTION – A


Then you have used the 4 step process – C H A T.  You have had a good old chat with yourself to ensure you master your chatter and achieve those things you have been aiming for.  This process becomes quite fast with practice.  You find yourself checking in and challenging the chatter whenever it is not helpful.

Next time we will talk about how to challenge the chatter further.

Until next time,

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time. smilie face

When holding back is not the answer

I am always encouraging you to have those less than comfortable conversations. Why? Because I believe that being authentic in our relationships is necessary for true connection.

I’m not saying that you let leash on every one about you all the things that tick you off but when it is valid and it is affecting you or your relationship then speak up. This is not always easy and it takes quite significant maturity and introspection to work out what is important enough for you to do this.

It is rare for people to be open and honest with each other so don’t be surprised if people aren’t sure what to do or say in response. I learned many years ago whilst having counselling that when I held back from someone that I was affecting the authenticity of the relationship.

At the time I was struggling in a failing relationship and “protecting” my Mum by not telling her.  I felt I was saving her from the pain of worrying about me as she was struggling with her health – she was dying with metastasised cancer.

My counsellor explained to me that the only way to have a true and honest relationship with my Mum was to be honest with her. That she was an adult and was able to handle whatever I had to say.  The truth was Mum knew something was up and was worrying more because I wasn’t telling her.

So with a little fear and trepidation I trusted my Counsellor and shared my truth with my Mum. I am so glad I did. It allowed the last few months of her life to be really open and connected between the two of us a gift I can not replace.

So what am I saying? I am saying if you don’t say things out of fear then perhaps have a re think. Fear should never a reason not to do something.  Fear is not based in reality usually and is blown out of all proportion.  Yes fear is a protector, i use it now as a sign to look deeper into something.  Should I really hold this idea as a fear or is it an opportunity, a lesson or a warning.

So when you find yourself holding back within a relationship it would pay to take a closer look and asking yourself;

  • Am I protecting someone out of my own fear?
  • What am I fearful of?
  • Could the relationship benefit from a more open approach?
  • What is my true intention?
  • Does this person need protecting?

A powerful benefit to being more open in a relationship is the actual opposite of protecting someone. It’s believing in the other person and empowering them. When you protect them it’s because you think they are not capable, but people are much more capable they we give them credit for.

When you believe in your relationships you allow them to grow. Being able to be open and honest is such a gift it allows you to be yourself and also gives the other person permission to do the same. This is truly a rare and beautiful gift.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Are you a Perfectionist and Conscientious Communicator?

The last but not least of the four communication styles is the Perfectionist and Conscientious style.  This amazing style is all about procedures, processes and perfection.  I prefer the word Perfectionist over Conscientious as I have had many people in workshops become disillusioned by the word Conscientious.

By Compliance we mean working to a system or order, not compliant.  Particularly to your own system or order however this style will work to someone else’s system or process if they agree with it, or if they see it as correct. This communication style is all about getting things right.

If you know someone with this style they are more reserved and task focused.  They are great at details, probably love stationary (known from personal experience) and are highly organized in many ways. In workshops its evident who the Perfectionist and Conscientious style is, as they are the ones who find any spelling errors or grammatical issues in my handouts or workbooks, (not that there is that many…..)  Gotta love them!

These guys are fearful of their work being criticized, how could they not be when perfection is their benchmark.  However, beware of criticising their work as they put a lot of effort into it being right.  It hurts them intensely if they are corrected, especially if it is not done gently. If you are working with someone for this style they will love details, if you challenge their facts you will need to provide statistical backup because they do know their stuff.

I know one Perfectionist and Conscientious person who reads the Australian Taxation website for fun (I have a headache just thinking about that).  They prefer a quiet and consistent work environment where any changes are explained, where they can be some type of technical expert. These guys are the polar opposite of the Inspiring style, they are not warm and demonstrative, they prefer tasks above people, they wont hug you in public; like a High I would!

However, if you need a job done that requires detail, high standards and quality, look no further. This style does not care so much for fun, they love rules, processes, and order- without it there would be complete chaos!  As you can imagine, if you know this style and don’t understand it, you could be having some frustrations.  These guys are very good at criticising and correcting people (but they don’t mean to be rude they just cannot stand things not being right).

If you need order in your chaos, they will sort you out. So we have now covered all four communication styles.  I trust you have seen the strengths in each.  We need each style for it’s unique differences.  No one style is above or better than the others.  We are all different and each of us brings incredible value.  Let’s be united by the differences – when we do this we can truly change the world in a better way!

If you are a Perfectionist and Conscientious communicator and are struggling, checkout our resources page or contact us with your specific questions.  Perhaps you are struggling to be understood in your workplace, perhaps your working so hard and feeling unappreciated.  if you relate please check out  all of our resources.  For training to learn more about your style and how to get the most out of your relationships visit

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.