Are you struggling with a Perfectionist?
Are you a perfectionist, or do you know one? In terms of the Communication Styles, the ‘Perfectionist’ style is the one who is most likely to struggle with this trait. If you live with, work with or love a perfectionist, you may be relating already. This is a trait that ...

Struggling with a “my way or the highway” kinda person?
Have you ever had to work with a strong willed, highly opinionated Powerful Communicator? Someone who is so overpowering they just push everyone else aside? If you have ever worked with this style you would know it! They don’t mean to be like they are – to them it is ...

Are you struggling with a procrastinator?
Patient communicators … can struggle with procrastination. In strength, this steady gentle style is one that is warm, welcoming, all about relationship and somewhat more reserved than the playful or powerful styles. However, they can really struggle with procrastination, they like to change at their pace, if at all. What ...

Are you dealing with a chatterbox?
Have you ever had to deal with a Chatterbox? Someone who loves to talk, tell stories and uses many more words than necessary? They are lovely but if you are short on time, or impatient it can be tricky. Their catch cry is, “look at me, like me, appreciate me!” ...

What makes someone difficult?
One of the most popular questions I get is how do you deal with a Difficult person? Each of you almost everyday will come across someone you find difficult to some degree. Perhaps that are bossy, or talkative, maybe they don't say anything and you need them to speak up ...

Your options when it comes to dealing with difficult people
Your options when it comes to dealing with difficult people are many. You can avoid, procrastinate, blame, whine, cry, shake, gossip.... ( I am sure there is many more) or you can take a deep breath and do what needs to be done. Kenny Rogers had it right. “Know when ...

Dealing with Difficult People without anxiety and fear
How can you Deal with Difficult People without anxiety and fear? It is all about better understanding. Have you ever had that awful sinking feeling whenever you've had to deal with a difficult person? Have you ever not wanted to go to work or avoided social occasions because a particular ...

Feeling stressed in Your Business?
As a Business owner I am sure you can relate to the idea of Stress. Stress can come from many places, working long hours, poor cash flow, staff issues, too much work, feeling like you are doing everything yourself, tension in your personal life, feeling like there is not enough ...

3 Communication Hacks to Take your Communication to the Next Level
Next level communication is all about knowing where you are at and improving an aspect of your communication. You may be a great listener, and need to speak up. Perhaps you are great at telling people what you need but need to be better at asking and bringing people alongside ...
3 Communication Hacks for Better Connection in your Personal Relationships
Would any of you in relationship (either friends or romantic) benefit from better communication? When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood by your partner? Frustrating isn't it? Communication is the oxygen to our relationships. Poor Communication causes up to 68% of relational breakdown. That is a scary ...