Today we will focus on the Playful and Influencing communicator. This Communication DNA style is the second most common of the 4 DNA styles.
The Playful style is one that is warm, fun and engaging. These guys are all about relationship and having fun. If you know someone with this style they can range from warm and friendly to zany and the life of the party.
This style does not care so much for organisation, rules, processes, work – it is simply not colourful or fun enough. As you can imagine, if you work with this style and don’t understand them, you could be having some frustrations. These guys are very good at motivating and energising people to do the work, not necessarily doing the work themselves. They can be easily distracted by something that is bright and shiny!
I am surrounded by the Playful and Influencing style, I think it is because I am so driven and full of order and work that I need help to lighten up. My husband has some of this style and he will often grab me when I am in the middle of working just to tell me a joke or get me to watch a silly video on social media. He brings so much laughter into my life.
As you may imagine if I am focused and trying to get work done I can get quite frustrated with his attempts at humour. However, I have since grown to appreciate the colour and life that he brings to our relationship, without his humour breaks it would be all work and no play!
When this style is understood they make such great friends and teammates, when misunderstood they can seem selfish and self-centered. Like all of the styles we need to understand the differences and work on how we can best unite to bring out the best in all of us. We all bring something special and unique to the work and home environment.
If you are a Playful communicator and are struggling you get in contact with us and ask your specific questions.
So, how can you understand your Communication DNA? If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.
If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.
For training or to learn more about your DNA style and how to get the most out of your relationships visit us at
If you would love to understand yourself or others more then I encourage you to read all about the other DNA styles The Powerful, Perfectionist and Patient styles..
Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator. Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.