The fourth of the top 5 mistakes is;
Not understanding that as Communicators we are different!
Unfortunately, the source of many of our communication problems is the gap! I see the world one way and receive information one way, and you do it another way. Its all ok just different.
Most of us automatically assume that everyone sees the world as you see it. This is at such a subconscious level you won’t even realise that you are doing it. We don’t know why someone dislikes our new hairstyle, or why someone might not like our colour scheme. So, if you are a bottom line kind of person who does not fluff about at all, when you come into contact with a warm fuzzy person who could think of nothing better than shooting the breeze all day you may certainly go nuts.
You are different; you have different agendas, different needs, different likes and different ways of doing things. Neither is right or wrong they are just different.
If you are a person who is quick to anger, you are likely quick to recover and move on. However, if you are dealing with a person who is slower to anger, who takes on more, for a very long time….. When they finally get to boiling point (and they will!) they will take a long time to recover also. Neither is right or wrong just different. Understanding this fundamental principle of communication will make all of the difference – we are different, we have different needs and we communicate them – you guessed it – DIFFERENTLY!
Just being aware of this goes such a long way to bridging the gap. When someone says or does something we don’t understand, instead of taking it personally or getting upset we are able to say, ok, so they see and do things differently to me. Thats ok. Then with a child like curiosity seek to understand it.
Next time we will look at the final mistake of the top 5 communication mistakes made everyday. If you have found this helpful please share it with someone who would benefit.
For tips, free resources and information on our upcoming Master class “The Art Of Difficult Conversations” or check out our website at
Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator. Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.