How To Use Your Strengths To Adapt Your Communication

So by now you may know your Communication DNA and even that of those people in your world that are important to you, or that you need to deal with.  You are ready for the next crucial step, being able to adapt your style to someone else’s Communication DNA.

Why you may ask?  It’s because great Communication is all about ensuring you are heard and understood.  Therefore you need to ensure that your message is received in the intended way by the receiver.

May people I have trained or coached over the years have initially had it confused thinking that what they need to say is all that matters.  “I’ll say what I need, and they will hear it.”  If that were true I’d be out of a career.

We all hear through our filters and we each have preferences for how we like to hear the messages given to us.

You need to know the needs of others so you can adapt your message appropriately.

So what are these needs?

The Powerful Communicator needs Results.  They like short sharp bullet points, Do not waffle and do not get too personal, they are task focused.  If you know them well then this may differ.

The Playful Communicator needs Recognition.  They like stories, a friendly message that is personal.  Don’t go straight into business.

The Patient Communicator needs Relationship, they like to feel understood and supported.  Do not force them to make a quick decision.  Do not force an answer, especially if there is no trust built yet.  They will say “Yes” to your face, but will not mean it.

The Perfectionist Communicator needs to be Right, they crave details and planning.  Do not go to them without the information and evidence for it.  Be neat and ordered.  Do not be too personal as they are reserved and appear standoffish.

Where you will likely struggle the most is when you are dealing with someone opposite to you; for example as a Powerful Communicator my largest challenge is adapting to meet the needs of the Patient Communicator my opposite DNA style.

I need to slow down, warm up my tone, be more personable, ask gentle question not just bark bullet points and force for my result.  I need to watch my body language, no hand son hips, but a more open gentle posture.  I need to ask questions, not tell (telling comes more naturally to me).

The opposite occurs if the Patient Communicator is speaking to me.  They need to be more direct, stay on point, don’t waffle, have strong eye contact, be confident.

The best way to adapt your style is to look at the needs of the Communicator you are dealing with and ensure you communicate in this way.  It is a matter of bridging the gap.  For example to you need to use more words, listen more, be friendly, be detailed.  This is critical while you are building trust and getting to know someone.  Once you are in a position of knowing and more understanding this is less of a requirement.

The it comes down to being aware and reading body language to ensure you are being understood, asking questions to clarify you are on the same page – this is just good communication practise.

For example, if you are a Powerful Communicator, you are naturally direct, decisive and confident.  You are the exact opposite of the Patient Communicator who is more quiet, appears less confident and seeks harmony.  The Patent Communicator may sacrifice their needs to avoid conflict.

To bridge this gap until you get to know each other the Powerful Communicator needs to be less direct, ask more questions, really listen, be friendly and gentle.  This will create an environment where the Patient Communicator will feel safer enough to open up and Communicate with you.

Having a difficult conversation, giving feedback, dealing with a strong or highly emotional issue, it is best to ensure you adapt to the needs of your listener.

If you would like some help with this process then get in touch.  You and your relationships are worth it, end the confusion now, you will not regret it.

We have coaching programs that can teach you all you need to know about your Communication DNA and how to take your Communication to the next level.


If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.

For more information check out the article on Communication DNA

We have coaching programs that can teach you all you need to know about your Communication DNA and how to take your Communication to the next level.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

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