How to set Goals so that you Turbo Charge your Automotive Career

TurboChargedGoal setting is a key skill that many people don’t have.  Less than 5% of people actually set goals and write them down.
Here we will share some ways of writing your goals so that they will be the most helpful.

Write SMART goals


Write your job seeking or career goals in the present tense.  For example

I am employed on a full time basis in a workshop that values me as a mechanic.  I am able to serve customers and use my specialist skills as a …….

To land this job I will

Then you write out each action step you need to take in order to fulfill that goal.

At Teamology we encourage you to focus on these areas

  • Write out your Goals
  • Have and awesome Resume
  • Write a great Application letter
  • Follow up each application
  • Understand your Communication skills and strengths
  • Be confident and ready for the interview
  • Be organised

If you would like a free downloadable goals sheet then click here.  If you want to see a sample of a completed SMART goals sheet then click here.

If you would like a copy of a cheat sheet to help you click here to download the Employment Action Plan

Goals_ImageYou need to put you goals somewhere where you can see them everyday.  The key is doing something everyday.  You will get into a great habit and soon it won’t take very long.

Keep a record of each job you have applied for, when what you sent, did you follow up and what was the outcome.  After the interview it is critical to call and ask for feedback.  Did you get the job?  If you didn’t, what could you improve on?  I know this may be confronting but seriously it the best way to learn.  It will also save you making the same mistake over and over again.  For example they may say your References weren’t great (fix it – get some more), or perhaps you didn’t share enough about your skills (you can improve that easily).

If you would like any help in any of these areas then click here to send us an email or call 1300 707 481 or why not book in for a complimentary discovery chat below.