The real cost of losing staff due to poor communication

What is the real cost of losing staff due to poor communication? 

So we have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

So you have a business and there are issues, perhaps management is not perceived as approachable, perhaps there is relational tension as different staff clash with each other, perhaps staff don’t feel valued or understood.

Gallup found that 95% of staff leave jobs due to problems with either their boss or co workers.  This is that relational stuff they feel just can’t be solved.

The sad thing is that many times they either haven’t tired, because they believe it wont change anything, or they don’t have the skills to have these hard conversations.  We have all been there, it just feels too hard and we believe that the grass is greener on the other side.

Now it may be, but what happens when you come up against the same issues in a new workplace?  Isn’t it better to have the skills to deal with it when it happens again? It is not that difficult, I promise.

One of the many costs is the costs of new hire.  Let’s look at this a little closer.  Perhaps you have the staff member who had all of that procedural knowledge that is not necessarily written down, all of that experience that cannot be quantified.  What happens if they leave?  All of that knowledge will be lost.  What price can you place on that?

Research estimates that on paper, the costs of losing a staff member can be between 16 and 20% of the salary of the person being replaced for low to medium positions.  For senior executive roles it can be as high as 213% (Zane Benefits, Small Business and HR)


Deloitte, found in some recent research that the true cost is much more when you consider;


  • The cost of hiring a new employee including the advertising, interviewing, screening, and hiring.  Not only this but the time it takes to find the right person.
  • Cost of on-boarding a new person including training and management time.
  • Lost productivity… it may take a new employee as much as 1-2 years to reach the productivity of an existing person.
  • Lost engagement… other employees who see high turnover tend to disengage and lose productivity.  As well as the rick you take when hiring, will the new person fit in.  Is the culture you have healthy?  It may not be.
  • Customer service and errors, for example new employees take longer and are often less able to solve problems.
  • If the new team member is entering a toxic workplace then stress levels will surely add to mistakes and communication issues
  • Training cost. For example, over 2-3 years a business likely invests 10-20% of an employee’s salary or more in training.  You don’t want to be in that position of just training them and then they leave…..
  • Cultural impact… Whenever someone leaves others take time to ask “why?”

The real cost of losing staff is hard to measure as many workplaces don’t have measures in place to capture this.  From my perspective the most important thing is to understand why the staff member left and to address any communication, staff or systemic issues that contributed to them leaving.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s grow your business one conversation at a time. 

How to deal with a negative culture that is harming your business

Congratulations you are in Business, well done, it takes courage and determination to step up and take on a Business.  If you are familiar with my work you will know that I am passionate about helping Business owners use their Communication strengths to succeed in business.

We have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It shows up in many ways but the bottom line is it costs.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

One of the issues can be a negative culture.  This is where your team are not on the same page, perhaps there is negativity and stress.  Perhaps there is relationship tension between the team (people not getting on), there may be gossip, backstabbing and tearing each other down.

I spoke with a team recently and the CEO was all about their culture “ we have your back”.  No matter what, as long as the team member was following the agreed process the rest of the team had their back.  So if mistakes were made, first thought, we have your back.  They were creating a culture of excellence and honesty where issues were raised quickly and respectfully.  This will create a very positive team culture.

The opposite of this is where no one takes responsibility, a team member may see a mistake being made and turn a blind eye “that’s not my job”.  Perhaps there is nitpicking and backstabbing.  Perhaps there are negative team members.  Perhaps management are not providing the leadership and support the team needs.

The bottom line is if a team is not performing the responsibility of addressing it lands on the Leader.  In most small businesses this is the owner.

It has got to start with us.  If our team is confused, struggling, poorly performing we need to ensure that the right environment for success has been provided.  We need to ensure that the team knows what is expected of them and are given the tools to do their job well.

Once this has been provided if people continue to underperform this needs to be addressed again.  If it is a skill issue then skill can be developed.  If it is an attitude issue then the team member may need to find a better fit for them.  Regardless something has to be done and it falls on the leader / owner of the business.

As Business owners we must take complete responsibility for whatever is happening in our business good bad or ugly.

As you can see, it starts with us as the Leader.  We are essential to our business running well and we need to understand the effect we have first on the business.  A great way to understand your strengths as a Leader is to understand what makes you tick, what do you bring to the table, what is your Communication DNA?

Once we understand this we can then begin to look deeper into understand your team in the same way.  For years I have been helping business understand their Communication DNA so they can see what makes each member of the team tick, what strengths they have, how they work best and how to bring out their strengths.

If you would like to know more you can learn more about Communication DNA here.

If you would like to learn what your Communication DNA is you can do so here

If you know you need more support to unravel what is happening in your business we offer Coaching and Training services as well as our very popular online Master Communication in Your Business.

We are here to resource you so that you can create the business of your dreams, kick those goals, create a highly productive team and future-proof your business.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Lets grow your business one conversation at a time.

Help! How Do I Recognise Someone Else’s Communication DNA?

So by now you may know your Communication DNA but what about those people in your world that are important to you, or that you need to deal with?  You are ready for the next crucial step, being able to recognise someone else’s Communication DNA.

If you have you ever experienced poor communication, ever felt misunderstood, ever tried to speak to someone and it just feels too hard, you are in the right place.

Communication is a skill that is essential to all of your relationships.  It is a skill we all take for granted yet, many of us do not know how to use our skills as a Communicator to make the most out of our relationships.

One of the foundation problems is that most people do not know their needs as a Communicator, if you don’t know what you need how on earth can you ask for it?

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

The first step is learning your own DNA.

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.

The next step may be that you need to be able to understand someone else…… So, How can you understand some one else’s Communication DNA?

You can do this by asking yourself these questions;

Is this person outgoing or reserved?

An outgoing person appears confident, is louder, speaks faster and is comfortable around people.

A reserved person is quieter, is not so quick to speak, speaks slower, and may appear less confident, may prefer less people.

Next you need to find ask, are they people focused or task focused?

People focused are always talking or listening, are genuinely interested in people and relationships and appear friendly.

Task focused may seem colder, more aloof, more interested in business or getting a list of tasks done.

For example, I am outgoing and task focused. My husband is outgoing and people focused.  When we go to the supermarket together, I am focused, fast and looking to grab the items on my list and get out to of the supermarket asap, I have things to do.

My husband is looking around, smiling, chatting making jokes, looking for old friends and new friends.  He is smiling, talking to strangers and having a great time.  We are very different.

Once you know where someone is at based on these markers you can begin to see what their Communication DNA may be.

This is a great start.  Then you become great at the art of asking questions and listening to see what makes this person tick.  An important note, this should be a framework to understand someone better.  You should not use this to try and Tell someone what their DNA may be, it is for them to work out.  However, this can make it easier to understand what makes someone else tick.

Are they motivated by Results? Recognition? Relationship or being Right?  For more information check out the article on Communication DNA

If you would like some help with this process then get in touch.  You and your relationships are worth it, end the confusion now, you will not regret it.

We have coaching programs that can teach you all you need to know about your Communication DNA and how to take your Communication to the next level.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Help! My Business in Not Productive enough

I am passionate about helping Business owners use their Communication strengths to succeed in business.  Business is tough so I believe if there are ways we can harness our strengths to get better results – Let’s do it!

We have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.  Money I am sure you would like to remain in your pocket?

So you have a business and there are issues, we have said before that Communication is foundational to our success.  Additionally, that Poor Communication destroys business in many ways and today we will look at the relationship between Poor Communication and Low Productivity.

What is Low Productivity“ less than ideal output, below required productivity, low sales and low or no profit.”  In terms of staff your team may not be producing enough per paid work hour to ensure they are worth the investment.

You may pay an assistant $100 per day, yet productivity of the business has not increased in line with that investment. What can you do?

In terms of working with people and their strengths there are many things you can do to turn this around.  But here is where we need to get curious and start doing some research and asking some questions.

First of all, I always recommend we start by understanding ourselves.  What is Your Communication DNA, your needs as a Communicator?  As a Business owner the buck stops with you so you need to know this.  You need to know what strengths you bring to the table and what may be any potential challenges.

How do you communicate in your business?  Does your team know what is required?  Do they have a clear idea of your expectations?  Do you have a clear idea of theirs?

Are you approachable?  Can your team ask your questions?  Will they feel silly, embarrassed, stupid?  Do you complicate things so they leave even more confused?

Depending on your Leadership style your team will be affected in different ways.

For example the Powerful Leader is great at telling people what to do, loves to delegate and loves control.  BUT to others who do not understand them they can come off as Bossy, dictatorial, unreasonable and unapproachable.  If this is you, then your team may not feel they can ask you.  They may not be brave enough to fess up to any mistakes.

If you have a team member who is also Powerful they may not like you telling them what to do, they may need a little more freedom and control so you may have a silent tussle for control going on.

If you are a Playful Leader, no doubt you are everyone’s friend but they may not take you seriously.  Your team may be confused between friend and Boss.  Processes and organization is not always a strength of a Playful leader so your team may need processes, direction and organisation in the chaos to ensure they maximize productivity.

If you are a Patient Leader, your team will feel supported but they may lack direction.  Patient Leaders can avoid telling people what to do; as they fear it is rude and blunt (they are the opposite to the Powerful), so they say nothing.  This leaves your team lacking direction and focus.  Sometimes your team may feel like they are running the business and they may resent that.

If you are a Perfectionist Leader, there is no doubt you have high standards and equally high expectations.  This may stifle your team as they know, no matter what, they will never measure up.  There is nothing like that for a productivity killer.

As you can see, it starts with us as the Leader.  We are essential to our business running well and we need to understand the effect we have first on the business.


Once we understand this we can then begin to look deeper into understand your team in the same way.  For years I have been helping business understand their Communication DNA so they can see what makes each member of the team tick, what strengths they have, how they work best and how to bring out their strengths.

If you would like to know more you can learn more about Communication DNA with this free video  

If you would like to learn what your Communication DNA is you can take our test

If you know you need more support to unravel what is happening in your business we offer Coaching and Training services as well as our very popular online Master Communication in Your Business.

We are here to resource you so that you can create the business of your dreams, kick those goals, create a highly productive team and future-proof your business.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Lets grow your business one conversation at a time.

How To Understand Your Communication DNA

Have you ever experienced poor communication?  Have you ever felt misunderstood? Have you ever tried to speak to someone and it just feels too hard?  If you have then you are in the right place.

Communication is a skill that is essential to all of your relationships.  It is a skill we all take for granted yet, many of us do not know how to use our skills as a Communicator to make the most out of our relationships.

One of the foundation problems is that most people do not know their needs as a Communicator, if you don’t know what you need how on earth can you ask for it?

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

So, How can you understand your Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

If you are interested in taking the DNA test then you can do that here

This is the foundation skill we teach to Communicators that want to improve their ability to communicate personally or professionally.

Basically there are 4 styles and they are separated by Communicators that are reserved and people that are outgoing.  The reserved styles are the Patient and Perfectionist styles

The outgoing styles are the Powerful and the Playful communicators.

Then you can further separate the styles into people focused – The Playful and Patient.  Along with task focused Communicators – The powerful and the perfectionist.

Each style has different strengths and different challenges, they see the world through a different lens.  To know more about your communication style you can read on of the many articles on this site to understand the four key DNA styles: Powerful, Playful, Patient and Perfectionist.  

If you don’t know your needs, then how can you know the needs of others?

There are 4 Communication styles and we each have all four but have stronger preferences in 1 or more.  For example;

The Powerful Communicator is driven like to take control, they are seen as a driver and is motivated by results.

The Playful Communicator tells stories is distracted and gets easily bored. They are story tellers, use many words to explain a quick point, and are seen as a talker. They need to be liked.

The Patient Communicator is quiet, agrees even if they don’t agree, and will not get involved in any perceived conflict, they are seen as a observer.  They crave harmony. 

The Perfectionist Communicator is into details, can be outrageously organised loves to do lists and is a neat person.  They are seen as an analyser and need to be Right.

Just imagine the chaos when you don’t understand each other?

It is so common as we are not taught this is schools, many of us learnt his after having gone through a loss or trauma in our relationships.

I have been there before, I have struggled, I have been misrepresented, confused people, offended people and not understood why until I understood my Communication DNA.

If you relate to this, what can you do?  Know your strengths and know the strengths of those on your team, learn what makes you who you are, what makes you tick, your strengths and challenges.

If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA you have several options.  You can complete the test independently and begin your journey of self discovery.  You will also find several other courses designed to help you understand yourself as a Communicator.  If you like support and someone to assist on the learning process we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Understand Your DNA and Take Your Communication To The Next Level

Have you ever experienced poor communication?  I bet you have……. We all have.  Becoming a next level communicator is all about knowing where you are at and adding more tools to your Communication tool box.

For example you may have a good grasp on your needs as a Communicator so the next level would be to better understand your partner for example.  Perhaps you are a Manager so the next level would be to understand the needs of your team as Communicators.

One of the foundation problems is that most people do not know their needs as a Communicator, if you don’t know what you need how on earth can you ask for it?

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

Next level Communicators then understand how to recognise the needs of other people and adapt their style to ensure they are understood.

So, How can you understand your Communication DNA, then take your communication to the next level?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

The foundation skill you need to master for yourself as a Communicator is to first understand your Communication DNA and what that means for you in your key relationships.  Then to understand the DNA of the others you are in relationship with as Communication is a two way street.

To be a truly great communicator you need to be able to ensure that your message is heard and understood each and every time.  The tricky part is that each communication style hears messages differently and has different motivations.

In addition, Communication is not taught in schools, not at university, certainly not in business.  After completing a behavioural science and psychology degree I still did not know what my needs were as a communicator.

Where did you learn how to speak up? Apologise? Listen, give effective feedback, have a difficult conversation, motivate someone different from you?  Listen to someone and understand even if they are completely different to you?

If you don’t know your needs, then how can you know the needs of others?

Personally we are attracted to the opposite communicators than us.  So if you are a reserved quiet communicator that craves harmony, you are more likely to be attracted to a driven loud, outspoken confident communicator.

People we have the least in common with as a communicator we choose to spend our life with.  Now this is wonderful when you understand the strengths and difference and see your differences as complimentary, but if you don’t understand each other, you are heading down a very painful road.

There are 4 Communication styles and we each have all four but have stronger preferences in 1 or more.  For example;

The Powerful Communicator is driven like to take control, they are seen as a driver and is motivated by results.

The Playful Communicator tells stories is distracted and gets easily bored. They are story tellers, use many words to explain a quick point, and are seen as a talker. They need to be liked.

The Patient Communicator is quiet, agrees even if they don’t agree, and will not get involved in any perceived conflict, they are seen as a observer.  They crave harmony.

 The Perfectionist Communicator is into details, can be outrageously organised loves to do lists and is a neat person.  They are seen as an analyser and need to be Right.

Just imagine the chaos when you don’t understand each other?

It is so common as we are not taught this is schools, many of us learn this after having gone through a loss or trauma in our relationships.

To take your skills to the next level you first need to know your starting point and then follow this road map;

Understand your own Communication DNA

Understand Others

Communicate Intentionally

Communicate Exceptionally

If you can work on these steps you are well on your way to being an exceptional Communicator and every relationship you have personal or professional will benefit.

If you are struggling, feeling overwhelmed, believe me I have been there before, I have struggled, I have been misrepresented, confused people, been confused, offended people and not understood why until I understood my Communication DNA.

If you relate to this, what can you do?  Follow the roadmap above to expand on your communication skills .  Know your strengths and know the strengths of those on your team, learn what makes you who you are, what makes you tick, your strengths and challenges.

If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

How Your Communication DNA Can Affect Your Personal Relationships

Have you ever experienced poor communication in your personal relationships?  Have you ever had to walk away form a friendship or relationship because of communication breakdown.  I bet you have……. We all have.

One of the foundation problems is that most people do not know their needs as a Communicator, if you don’t know what you need how on earth can you ask for it?

Stress also changes how well you communicate so if you don’t understand your needs and are going through stress then your communication will suffer.  This is tragic as just when you need to be understood the most, your communication can fail you.

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

So, how can you understand you Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

This is the foundation skill we teach to Communicators that want to improve their ability to communicate personally in your friendships and romantic relationships.

Communication is not taught in schools, not at university, after a behavioural science and psychology degree I still did not know what my needs were as a communicator.

Where did you learn how to speak up? Apologise? Listen, give effective feedback, have a difficult conversation, motivate someone different from you, share your emotions?

If you don’t know your needs, then how can you know the needs of others?  You cannot give someone something you don’t have……  If you don’t have $5, you cannot give it to someone else, it is the same for understanding.

Personally we are attracted to the opposite communicator to us.  So if you are a reserved quiet communicator that craves harmony, you are more likely to be attracted to a driven loud, outspoken confident communicator.   Opposites attract.

People we have the least in common with as a communicator we choose to spend our life with.  Now this is wonderful when you understand the strengths and difference and see your differences as complimentary, but if you don’t understand each other, you are heading down a very painful road.

There are 4 Communication styles and we each have all four but have stronger preferences in 1 or more.  For example;

The Powerful Communicator is driven like to take control, they are seen as a driver and is motivated by results.

The Playful Communicator tells stories is distracted and gets easily bored. They are story tellers, use many words to explain a quick point, and are seen as a talker. They need to be liked.

The Patient Communicator is quiet, agrees even if they don’t agree, and will not get involved in any perceived conflict, they are seen as a observer.  They crave harmony.

 The Perfectionist Communicator is into details, can be outrageously organised loves to do lists and is a neat person.  They are seen as an analyser and need to be Right.

Just imagine the chaos when you don’t understand each other?  Particularly during a difficult time.

For example, if you are a Playful Communicator, you may begin to talk way too much, trying to be heard to be liked to be accepted.  If your partner is a Perfectionist (the opposite and who you are likely attracted to) you will become frustrated and critical, this will offend your playful mate and add to the chaos.  Neither of you understand the issue at heart or how to share your needs,  and the cycle of toxic unhelpful communication continues.

It is so common as we are not taught this is schools, many of us learnt this after having gone through a loss or trauma in our relationships.

Even as a Manager in a Business I still did not know my needs as a Communicator.  It took a workplace gossip session in the loo where I found my team on a character assassination all about me to begin to see that I was being misunderstood.  I have also gone through the very painful experience of divorce before I realised how my personal communication could really improve.

I have been there before, I have struggled, I have been misrepresented, confused people, offended people and not understood why until I understood my Communication DNA.

If you relate to this, what can you do?  Know your strengths and know the strengths of those on your team, learn what makes you who you are, what makes you tick, your strengths and challenges.


If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks to Take Your Communication to the Next Level

Next level communication is all about knowing where you are at and improving an aspect of your communication.  You may be a great listener, and need to speak up.  Perhaps you are great at telling people what you need but need to be better at asking and bringing people alongside you.

All of us can benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

Poor Communication can costs business big time, up to 32% of profit.  It can ruin relationships. Understand the keys to better communication and you can unlock a hidden profit centre in your business.

Learning to understand yourself and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

To become a Next Level Communicator you can master each of these skills.  Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.

Firstly the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

To be a next level Communicator you need to stop assuming and simply ask.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  This is such a crucial next level communication skill.

To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from the person you are communicating with.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  The best Communicators around the world are excellent listeners.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, or direct people.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

Many people fear telling as it is seen as confrontational.  The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.

Next level communication requires you to be able to Tell when necessary.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to taking your Communication to the next level.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more Confident Communicator and taking your communication and your relationship to the next level.   If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested?  you can get more information here.

If you are part of a team that struggles with these skills or you are keen to take your Team’s skills to the ‘Next level’ then reach out and see how we can tailor a solution for your unique situation.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks for Better Communication

All of us would benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

However, learn to understand yourself and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication world!

If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check this video out, it will explain it fully for you.  Please feel free to share with anyone you feel would benefit form this concept.

In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.  Firstly the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from the person you are communicating with.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, let’s look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, or direct people.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication to the next level.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested?  you can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, or via Facebook and join the conversation so please do.

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Lets change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Stop wasting money!! 5 tips on better workplace communication

Workplaces are complex!  They are filled with Humans, now can they not be?

We are at work for one things and one thing only – to be productive.  Poor communication causes really low productivity.  Why? Think back to a time you have struggled in a workplace filled with really poor communication.  You would have struggled through long boring meetings, had many pointless conversations.  Struggled to find answers, not had relevant or helpful feedback from leadership and dealt with tension between colleagues.

All of this results in really poor productivity.  The worse it gets, the more the frustration grows and the less and less you produce.  Poor communication can cost up to 32% in profit.  So for a business turning over $500,000, that’s a significant $160,000!  Down the drain, but it does not have to be this way.

Here are my tops tips on better workplace communication

# 1: Knowing your intention before you communicate

Intention means purpose, know what you want before you open your mouth. Is it to encourage? To give constructive feedback, to apologise?  What is your intention?

 # 2: Look for common ground within teams and workplace relationships

People feel more connected when there is common ground, in this way we are all the same.  If you are not sure what you have in common ask questions and then let them answer.  Be an awesome listener and before you know it you will be building trust and community

# 3: Stop misinterpretation in its tracks

Creating a workplace culture where team members seek to both deliver instructions clearly and unambiguously, and where others feel free to ask questions to clarify, means communication can be corrected before the wrong instructions are carried out.

This also means that misinterpretations can be dealt with easily and early before they grow, cause tension and then conflict.

 # 4: Understand your Communication DNA

Each of us has different styles of communication, this is what I call your Communication DNA.  To learn more about this click here

 In order understand others you must first understand yourself, what makes you tick, why you do what you do.

# 5: Not knowing your own communication style and strength

Each of us has our own unique style and strength as a Communicator.  You may be direct, a natural decision maker, or perhaps you are charming and influencing, perhaps you are a natural listener or maybe you love details and understanding why?

Understanding yourself means you will be really clear on what makes you tick, then you are able to understand what makes other tick.

From here it is possible to create a communication centered workplace culture that will have productivity soaring and engagement at it maximum.  If you would like to know how to create this type of culture then get in touch send us an email here.  Don’t put it off, you deserve to experience better communication.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.