What makes someone difficult?

One of the most popular questions I get is how do you deal with a Difficult person?  Each of you almost everyday will come across someone you find difficult to some degree.

Perhaps that are bossy, or talkative, maybe they don’t say anything and you need them to speak up or perhaps they are pedantic and get caught up in the details.  Either way they are not doing what you need them to do and its PAINFUL…….

Managing how we respond in these moments is critical to the outcomes you will get.  As you may imagine, getting frustrated, short fused, impatient with someone that you are finding difficult is only going to add to the problem you face.

It is critical for us to approach this age-old problem from a different angle.  I firmly believe that coming from a place of understanding is a much more helpful way to approach someone you are finding difficult.


We can start this by stopping and recognizing what is it that I am actually struggling with here?  Is it their behavior, their attitude, are they reminding me of something I don’t like?  Am I stressed out because my wants and needs are not being met?  Is it all of the above?

Many of us even though we are adults can get stuck in this place of selfishness, “I need this right now and I am not getting what I want so I am going to get cranky”.  We have all been there.  Acknowledging this is part of helping ourselves learn a better way.

I truly believe that most people are not difficult……. Wait…. What???? Seriously?  Yup, I actually believe that most people are not DIFFICULT, they are DIFFERENT.


Not different as in weird, simply different to you.


For example, on most days I am in a hurry, not because I am late, but because I am the type of person that just likes to get things done, I am an “achiever.”  I do not know why it is just how I am made.  It is a trait of the Powerful Communicator, “ get it done, get it done fast, and then do the next thing.

So as you can imagine if I am going about my day and I need to interact with someone who does not have the same priority on time and achievement as me, there can be some tension.  Before I was aware of this and how it affected me, I would just see someone in my proximity moving slowly and my eye would begin to twitch.  It frustrated me, because I did not want it to affect my progress.

Now that I am much more attuned to this need in me I can separate myself from it most days and even have a chuckle at how crazy my need for speed is…….


This need for speed has been a gift at times, I am extremely efficient and achieve loads, BUT……….. I have paid a very high price for this in terms of my health.  So much so that my poor body has been screaming at me for years to slow down and I ignored it.  So what ended up happening????  I developed chronic illness, including chronic fatigue……. My body was forcing me to S…L…O…W  D…O…W…N

I remember years ago on my first trip to FIJI.  Man I needed it, talk about verge of burn out……  Yes us achievers are not good at resting and slowing down and unfortunately have to experience things like burn out or illness before we get the message to fill the tank and look after ourselves.

It took me at least 4 days to begin to slow down in this tropical paradise.  Every time I sat by the pool I would start mentally going through a to do list, should I plan or read that self development book or set my intentions for the next 12 months…………. Far out brussel sprout!!


I would find myself becoming tense as I watched the locals slowly meander around the resort and a snails pace (otherwise known affectionately as FIJI time) and my blood pressure would rise.  I felt like screaming move faster!  How completely ridiculous.  In a moment of clarity I relapsed what I was doing to myself and just how crazy it was, why was I rushing?  What deadline was in my mind?  Why is faster better???  You know what it isn’t………..  Sometimes slower is the way to go.

So realising what your needs are, what is driving you and then seeing how whenever a person comes into conflict with this we see them as difficult.  This is really the beginning of a healthier shift in dealing with people in a more helpful way.

You will slam into people that are different to you on a daily basis so the most helpful thing I have found is to first understand yourself and your needs and then begin to understand others.  So we will begin but looking at each of the Communication DNA styles so you can begin to see where you might be and also where those you struggle with might be.  From this place we can put more helpful responses in place when you are struggles with someone that is different to you.


If you would like some background reading on the Communication DNA styles then you can read about each one here;


In coming posts we will continue venture into the world of each style and what may make them difficult.


Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

Feeling stressed in Your Business?

As a Business owner I am sure you can relate to the idea of Stress.  Stress can come from many places, working long hours, poor cash flow, staff issues, too much work, feeling like you are doing everything yourself, tension in your personal life, feeling like there is not enough of you to go around.

Unfortunately, stress is one of those things that you simply cannot afford to ignore.  Stress simply does not go away through ignoring it; in fact it grows!

We have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

So you have a business and there are issues, perhaps management is not perceived as approachable, perhaps there is relational tension as different staff clash with each other, perhaps staff don’t feel valued or understood.

Gallup found that 95% of staff will leave a job due to problems with either their boss or co workers.  This is that relational stuff they feel just can’t be solved.

The sad thing is that many times they either haven’t tried, because they believe it won’t change anything, or they don’t have the skills to have these hard conversations.  We have all been there, it just feels too hard and we believe that the grass is greener on the other side.

Now it may be, but what happens when you come up against the same issues in a new workplace?  Isn’t it better to have the skills to deal with it when it happens again? It is not that difficult, I promise.

So, Poor communication costs the Business owner in many ways;

  • Low productivity
  • Poor engagement
  • Bad Customer service
  • Low Morale
  • Wasted time
  • Stress
  • A Leadership gap
  • Poor retention
  • The costs of new hire

I am surprised that the cost to business is not higher than 32%.  When you look at the list above it may surprise you too.  However, every business is different and will face a combination of the issues listed above.

Over coming posts we will tease out these issues and go deeper into how they may be affecting your business and what you can do about it.

The real cost of poor communication is hard to measure as many businesses don’t have measures in place to capture this.  From my perspective the most important thing is to understand the foundation cause of the issue.  For example if it is productivity, is it because staff don’t feel motivated, are not supported, are confused, are working without the resources they need, do not know what to do.  There are many layers and it is critical to understand what is going on so you can address it and fix the problem.

You go into business to kick goals, have some freedom, create a legacy, do what you love and make a difference so let’s make it happen!

We are here to resource you so that you can create the business of your dreams, kick those goals, create a highly productive team and future-proof your business.

If you have questions you can get in contact via our website or our Facebook page.   Don’t keep struggling alone, there are answers, there is support.  You can create a team that is productive and engaged and create a business that is profitable.  If you would like support to grow your business with a Communication Strategy unique to your needs you can get in touch or check out our online courses.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s grow your business one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks to Take your Communication to the Next Level

Next level communication is all about knowing where you are at and improving an aspect of your communication.  You may be a great listener, and need to speak up.  Perhaps you are great at telling people what you need but need to be better at asking and bringing people alongside you.

All of us can benefit from better communication.  Right?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood in conversation?  If you are like me it used to feel like most days….

Poor Communication can costs business big time, up to 32% of profit.  It can ruin relationships. Understand the keys to better communication and you can unlock a hidden profit centre in your business.

Learning to understand yourself and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.  It starts with understanidng your needs as a Communicator, or your Communication DNA

So, how can you understand your Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.   If you are interested in taking the DNA test then get in contact with us.


In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

To become a Next Level Communicator you can master each of these skills.  Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.

Firstly the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

To be a Next Level Communicator you need to stop assuming and simply ask.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  This is such a crucial Next Level communication skill.

To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from the person you are communicating with.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  The best Communicators around the world are excellent listeners.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, or direct people.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

Many people fear telling as it is seen as confrontational.  The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.

Next Level Communication requires you to be able to Tell when necessary.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to taking your Communication to the next level.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication to the next level.


If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

If you are part of a team that struggles with these skills then reach out and see how we can tailor a solution for your unique situation.


Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

3 Communication Hacks for Better Connection in your Personal Relationships

Would any of you in relationship (either friends or romantic) benefit from better communication?  When was the last time you can remember feeling misunderstood by your partner?  Frustrating isn’t it?

Communication is the oxygen to our relationships.  Poor Communication causes up to 68% of relational breakdown.  That is a scary statistic and can so easily be remedied.  Understand the keys to better communication and you can ensure that your relationship will be more connected, resilient and happier.  Regardless of what is happening in your world you can communicate effectively stay strong and stay connected.  How great does that sound?

However, your relationship will only benefit from you both learning to understand themselves and then others as Communicators and you will be well one your way to improving your Communication and productivity.

The best Communicators know what makes them tick, they know their Communication DNA, what makes them who they are, what makes them tick.

So, how can you understand you Communication DNA?  If Communication DNA is a new term for you, check out this video specifically about this concept, it will explain it fully for you.

In 2015 Forbes magazine released research that detailed how we can see leadership based on 3 basic communication skills.  These skills are how to Ask, Listen and Tell.

Leaders that have all 3 skills are seen by 88% of staff to be exceptional, whereas, Leaders with any one of these communication skills are seen by only 3% of staff as exceptional.

Now you might say you are not a leader however, anyone who wants to influence others positively is certainly a leader.

Let’s take a closer look at these 3 skills.  Firstly, the ability to Ask.  To ask is to communicate your needs and to clarify the needs of others.  Asking means you are not guessing but gaining clarity.  Basically it is speaking to gain more information.

Many relationships are based on assumption rather than asking.  Assumption is very dangerous and will quickly take you down a dangerous road.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural askers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Next let’s look at the skill of Listening.  To listen is to stop speaking, be present and take in information both verbal and non-verbal that is coming from your friend or partner.  In communication Listening is a lost art form.  Particularly in our very fast paced and busy worlds.

Listening is a rare skill, many people speak rather than listening.  Listening is crucial to your communication.  It allows you to understand where someone else is at; you gain understanding and clarity.  Also, if you are a good listener people automatically think you are an awesome communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more reserved styles of the Perfectionist and the Patient Communicators are more natural listeners.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will outline this more.

Finally, lets look at the skill of Telling.  To tell is to share your idea, share with people your needs, your feelings or to direct someone.  Many people do not feel comfortable to “tell” as they feel it is too direct and confrontational.  However, this is all in the delivery.

The opposite is not telling and making people guess your needs.  This is as dangerous as assuming.  When you can master Telling people your needs in a way that is seen as informative rather than confrontational you are well on the way to becoming an exceptional communicator.

Each of the four communication styles copes with this skill differently.  The more outgoing styles of the Powerful and the Playful Communicators are more natural tellers.  However, they can still struggle.  In coming articles I will also outline this more.

These three skills are essential to you becoming a more confident Communicator and taking your communication and your relationship to the next level.

If you would like to understand yourself as a Communicator and learn your strengths then perhaps you may like to read The Enlightened Communicator, available for you to review at your own pace.

If you would like to know more about how to learn what your Communication DNA we can work with you to assist you to understand exactly what it is that makes you tick.  We can also help you understand what makes others tick and how to get the best out of your relationships.  Interested? You can get more information here.

You can also get in touch via our website, and Facebook so please join the conversation, we would love to hear from you!

Until next time, Care Connect and be a Conscious Communicator

Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.

The real cost of losing staff due to poor communication

What is the real cost of losing staff due to poor communication? 

So we have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

So you have a business and there are issues, perhaps management is not perceived as approachable, perhaps there is relational tension as different staff clash with each other, perhaps staff don’t feel valued or understood.

Gallup found that 95% of staff leave jobs due to problems with either their boss or co workers.  This is that relational stuff they feel just can’t be solved.

The sad thing is that many times they either haven’t tired, because they believe it wont change anything, or they don’t have the skills to have these hard conversations.  We have all been there, it just feels too hard and we believe that the grass is greener on the other side.

Now it may be, but what happens when you come up against the same issues in a new workplace?  Isn’t it better to have the skills to deal with it when it happens again? It is not that difficult, I promise.

One of the many costs is the costs of new hire.  Let’s look at this a little closer.  Perhaps you have the staff member who had all of that procedural knowledge that is not necessarily written down, all of that experience that cannot be quantified.  What happens if they leave?  All of that knowledge will be lost.  What price can you place on that?

Research estimates that on paper, the costs of losing a staff member can be between 16 and 20% of the salary of the person being replaced for low to medium positions.  For senior executive roles it can be as high as 213% (Zane Benefits, Small Business and HR)


Deloitte, found in some recent research that the true cost is much more when you consider;


  • The cost of hiring a new employee including the advertising, interviewing, screening, and hiring.  Not only this but the time it takes to find the right person.
  • Cost of on-boarding a new person including training and management time.
  • Lost productivity… it may take a new employee as much as 1-2 years to reach the productivity of an existing person.
  • Lost engagement… other employees who see high turnover tend to disengage and lose productivity.  As well as the rick you take when hiring, will the new person fit in.  Is the culture you have healthy?  It may not be.
  • Customer service and errors, for example new employees take longer and are often less able to solve problems.
  • If the new team member is entering a toxic workplace then stress levels will surely add to mistakes and communication issues
  • Training cost. For example, over 2-3 years a business likely invests 10-20% of an employee’s salary or more in training.  You don’t want to be in that position of just training them and then they leave…..
  • Cultural impact… Whenever someone leaves others take time to ask “why?”

The real cost of losing staff is hard to measure as many workplaces don’t have measures in place to capture this.  From my perspective the most important thing is to understand why the staff member left and to address any communication, staff or systemic issues that contributed to them leaving.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Let’s grow your business one conversation at a time. 

How to deal with a negative culture that is harming your business

Congratulations you are in Business, well done, it takes courage and determination to step up and take on a Business.  If you are familiar with my work you will know that I am passionate about helping Business owners use their Communication strengths to succeed in business.

We have spoken many times about the cost of poor communication.  It shows up in many ways but the bottom line is it costs.  It has been shown in research to cost up to 32% of profit.  For a business making $500K pa, this is $160K, that’s not small change.

One of the issues can be a negative culture.  This is where your team are not on the same page, perhaps there is negativity and stress.  Perhaps there is relationship tension between the team (people not getting on), there may be gossip, backstabbing and tearing each other down.

I spoke with a team recently and the CEO was all about their culture “ we have your back”.  No matter what, as long as the team member was following the agreed process the rest of the team had their back.  So if mistakes were made, first thought, we have your back.  They were creating a culture of excellence and honesty where issues were raised quickly and respectfully.  This will create a very positive team culture.

The opposite of this is where no one takes responsibility, a team member may see a mistake being made and turn a blind eye “that’s not my job”.  Perhaps there is nitpicking and backstabbing.  Perhaps there are negative team members.  Perhaps management are not providing the leadership and support the team needs.

The bottom line is if a team is not performing the responsibility of addressing it lands on the Leader.  In most small businesses this is the owner.

It has got to start with us.  If our team is confused, struggling, poorly performing we need to ensure that the right environment for success has been provided.  We need to ensure that the team knows what is expected of them and are given the tools to do their job well.

Once this has been provided if people continue to underperform this needs to be addressed again.  If it is a skill issue then skill can be developed.  If it is an attitude issue then the team member may need to find a better fit for them.  Regardless something has to be done and it falls on the leader / owner of the business.

As Business owners we must take complete responsibility for whatever is happening in our business good bad or ugly.

As you can see, it starts with us as the Leader.  We are essential to our business running well and we need to understand the effect we have first on the business.  A great way to understand your strengths as a Leader is to understand what makes you tick, what do you bring to the table, what is your Communication DNA?

Once we understand this we can then begin to look deeper into understand your team in the same way.  For years I have been helping business understand their Communication DNA so they can see what makes each member of the team tick, what strengths they have, how they work best and how to bring out their strengths.

If you would like to know more you can learn more about Communication DNA here.

If you would like to learn what your Communication DNA is you can do so here

If you know you need more support to unravel what is happening in your business we offer Coaching and Training services as well as our very popular online Master Communication in Your Business.

We are here to resource you so that you can create the business of your dreams, kick those goals, create a highly productive team and future-proof your business.

Until next time Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.

Lets grow your business one conversation at a time.

How to Deal with a Tyrant

Have you ever had to deal with a Tyrant?  Someone who is so overpowering they just push everyone else aside?

I had a really interesting experience recently.  I was working with a client who explained that there is a person they have to deal with often who is a Tyrant!  Or as I would describe them “a very strong communicator.”

They are likely The Powerful style who loves problems and challenges, craves results, is very black and white and can come across as confrontational and even aggressive.  Such people can be highly opinionated to the point where the only opinion that can exist in conversation with them is theirs!!

My client was really struggling because they had realised that this person was very good at saying “No” but did not hear when others said “No” to them.  How interesting I thought so I wanted to share this with you all.

Such a strong Communicator has absolutely no issue with boundaries and looking after their own interests.  Most of them don’t even realise how much they can come across like a bully at times.  They honestly think every one else finds it just as easy to say “No,” when needed.

However, here is here it gets interesting, Because they are such strong Communicators and can be so confrontational mostly people don’t actually say “No” to them!  So they get this false sense of reality; thinking there are no issues. They go on their merry way, leaving this wake of people with bruises.

When someone finally comes along that says “No” to them; they don’t even hear it.  You actually have to say to them, “Sorry, I just said No, I don’t agree with that and you have not heard me.”

 Now I spend much of my training and coaching time helping people become assertive.  If this is not you, you may be having a stroke right now at the thought of being so assertive and direct.

The amazing thing is, it works!  Powerful and Strong Communicators need to be Communicated in a strong and direct way.  They get it and even more importantly they respect it.  The trouble comes when people avoid them and are not direct with them.

One of the keys to great communication is adapting your style to your listener.  So if you are reading this I am sure you are becoming more aware, more conscious and enlightened each day so you understand that even if confrontation scares the heck out of you, it is the best way to be understood by a Strong Communicator.

Best of all they don’t see it as confrontation, I promise.  Just have a go, remember don’t be rude, stick to the facts, use I messages, be assertive and you will get through to that Powerful Communicator.

If you would like to learn bout different communication style then check this out

If you are struggling with a powerful communicator and would like to know more the n get in touch, don’t struggle along alone, we are here to help!  Get in touch here

Until next time, Care Connect, and be a Conscious Communicator.

Lets change our world for the better one conversation at a time.

The Conscientious Communicator And Emotion

P1030198v1The Perfect and Conscientious Communicator and emotion.  Lets just go back and be re acquainted with the lovely conscientious style.

This amazing style is all about procedures, processes and perfection.  The Perfect and Conscientious Communicator works to a system or order.  If there is not a good system they will develop their own system or order.  However, this style will work to someone else’s system or process if they agree with it, or if they see it as correct.  If their work is changed or corrected, they will ask why?  Their work is always completed to their base level of perfection so what could possibly need to be changed?

This communication style is all about getting things right.  If you know someone with this style, they are more reserved and task focused.  They are great at details, probably love stationary, (known from personal experience), and are highly organized in many ways.  They tend to work in highly technical or exacting work environments.

In workshops its evident who the Perfect and Conscientious style is as they are the ones who find any spelling errors or grammatical issues in any handouts or workbooks, (not that there is that many…..).  Gotta love them!

These guys are fearful of their work being criticized, how could they not be when perfection is their benchmark.  Beware of criticising their work as they put a lot of effort into it being right.  It hurts them intensely if they are corrected, especially if it is not done gently.

The emotion they show most often is worry or anxiety, they put a lot of pressure on themselves, you know, to be right, to be perfect.  It’s not easy; in fact it’s impossible.  On the surface this style may not seem to show emotion, they may come across as distant, even aloof, but they feel deeply.

So, if you are dealing with a Perfect and Conscientious communicator, be sure to be kind and respectful when you give feedback, be diplomatic and have your facts and figures straight.  Stop and think, what it is like for them to be expecting to be perfect all the time, what a burden.

Consequently, if they come across as judgmental or overly critical, they are actually trying to help.  It may not feel like it but that is their intention.

If you are a Perfect and Conscientious Communicator and you feel like sometimes you are misunderstood, why not learn more about your strengths and how others may perceive you?  It is such a great investment in yourself.  You can learn more by reading “The Enlightened Communicator”.  It can be purchased here.  Also keep an eye out for a new service we are introducing shortly on how to understand your style.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.


Emotions and Communication

Emotions, we all feel them, every single day.  Some of you feel them deeply while others prefer to ignore.  Regardless, they happen all the time and they have a marked effect on your behaviour and communication.

An emotion is “a strong feeling coming from your circumstances, mood, or relationships with others”, or an “instinctive or intuitive feeling that is to be distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.”

Emotion can be like noise; it can confuse you, distract you and confound you.  Have you ever felt an emotion so strong that you literally did not know what to do?  It can be a very overwhelming experience.  But your emotions are necessary.  They are part of who you are.  Learning to go with them, to feel them and then let go of them is a really healthy way to work with you.

Emotions need to be felt, acknowledged and processed.  If you try and avoid them then they only grow.  A feeling that is small can grow into a large beast that wreaks havoc if you try and ignore it.

A slight frustration can turn into rage if you allow it to grow, if you don’t feel it, experience it, process it and move on.  Emotion can change how you relate to others also.

Have you ever noticed that as your emotion escalates, particularly negative emotions like sadness, frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, confusion and grief, your ability to communicate slides downhill very fast?

It’s really poor timing because just when you need to communicate at your best, you are potentially performing at your worst.  It’s critical that you understand for you how emotion affects your ability to communicate and what impacts you have when you are emotional.

For some, when they become emotional they tend to become angry toward others.  They are perceived as negative, aggressive and confrontational.  It is important to become aware of this and work to process your emotions in a way that does not harm your communication with others.

In coming posts we will share ways that different communicators can be perceived and how to ensure that you process your emotions in a healthy way so that they don’t affect your ability to connect with others.  Your relationships and professional life is worth it!

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.