Inside The Mind Of A Perfect and Conscientious Communicator

27108661_l-289x300Today I am going to let you inside the mind of a Perfect and Conscientious Communicator.  I want you to imagine that you too are a Perfect and Conscientious Communicator just for a short moment.  How do you feel when you are striving for perfection, to get things just right, and it seems no one else cares???

Every other style is probably saying “what for????”.  However the flustered, critical, perfectionist, organised Perfect and Conscientious communicator is thinking, “why not?, it must be perfect!!!”

Perfect and Conscientious Communicators are all about the TASK.  They are not focused on RELATIONSHIPS so much.  They come in way down the list.  The to do list, the need to be correct, organised and systemised are at the forefront of their mind.

I am sharing this with you so if you are living or working with this Communicator you can catch a glimpse of the world from their perspective.

Perfectionism is a recipe for delay, for unmet expectations and for procrastination.  You never make it because it will never be perfect.  It is also a recipe for frustration as you have impossibly high standards that need to be met, and cannot be.

I have struggled with perfectionism most of my life, more as an adult than as a child.  For me I think it came form a need to control.  However in reality, all I was controlling was my lack of progress.

Recently I have decided to let go of perfectionism and go for “progressionism”, a step in the right direction for me.  I remember a light bulb moment for me when someone was trying to offer me help.  I was particularly stressed at the time and so was aiming for perfect for sure.

I had no idea what it was like for the person trying to help, to feel like they did not measure up, to realise that no matter what it would not be good enough.  Bet you can guess what happened – they stopped helping.  At the time I was hurt, but now I can see why they did.

There are many other examples when the Perfect and Conscientious Communicator can get too caught up in the perfectionism of the TASK and forget about the impact on the people around them.

Perhaps fascinating to others, it is completely unintentional on their part.  So, if you are struggling with a Perfect and Conscientious Communicator, don’t take their perfectionism or criticism to heart.  They have a need to be organised and have a drive for perfectionism within them that is hard to understand.

If they behave in a way that does not seem appreciative, please don’t personalise it, they really don’t mean it.  Try to see what the task is they are trying to accomplish and their behaviour may make more sense to you.  Their criticism is really meant to be helpful.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.


Inside The Mind Of A Powerful and Direct Communicator

car-door-79744319490_xlarge-2 Today I am going to let you inside the mind of a Powerful and Direct Communicator.  I want you to imagine that you too are a Powerful and Direct Communicator just for a short moment.  How do you feel when you are in a hurry, stressed or frustrated and your lovely partner opens the door for you???

Every other style is probably saying, “Awwww isn’t he lovely”.  However the flustered, practical, rushed Powerful and Direct communicator is thinking, “I don’t need you to do this, I am in a hurry, you are wasting precious time!!!!”

Powerful and Direct Communicators are all about the TASK.  THEY are not focused on RELATIONSHIPS so much.  They come in way down the list.  The to do list, the projects and the challenges are at the forefront of their mind.

I am sharing this with you so if you are living or working wit this Communicator you can catch a glimpse of the world from their perspective.

I noticed this very situation one day when my loving man was accompanying me to the car.  We were on our way somewhere, we were on the verge of being late and he wonderfully accompanies me to my side of the car, walks in front of me and opens my door.

Inside I am screaming, “what the heck are you doing?  I am perfectly capable of opening the door, now we will be late for sure…..”.  Then I stopped and thought about the same situation from his perspective.  A very valuable exercise to do.

My Husband is an Playful and Influencing Communicator, he is all about RELATIONSHIP.  He is a very warm and caring man and for him when he opens the door for me he is showing me care, love and respect.  It was really Enlightening for me when I got out of my rush and impatience and took the time to see things from his perspective.

There are many other examples when the Powerful and Direct Communicator can get too caught up in the apparent urgency of the TASK and forget about the impact on the people around them.

Perhaps fascinating to others, it is completely unintentional on their part.  So, if you are struggling with a Powerful and Direct Communicator, don’t take their impatience to heart.  They have a timeline, an urgency and a drive for productivity within them that is hard to understand.

If they behave in a way that does not seem appreciative please don’t personalise it, they really don’t mean it.  Try to see what the task is they are trying to accomplish and their behavior may make more sense to you.

Until next time, Care, Connect and be a Courageous Communicator.  Let’s change the world we live in one conversation at a time.